Do you have chronic back, knee or joint pain ?
Or do you suffer from tension, stress and fears that manifest themselves physically and limit you ?
I understand that many people struggle with these challenges, especially when they put a lot of strain on their bodies in everyday life or at work .
But I have good news for you: there is a solution.
I am a certified AlexanderTechnique coach and federally certified. Recognized complementary therapist. I have helped hundreds of people, including myself, get out of chronic pain and feel more vital, flexible and energetic again.
By using the internationally recognized Alexander Technique, we can effectively and naturally improve our posture and movements to free ourselves from pain and restrictions.
My clients are diverse and come from different walks of life, such as busy professionals, therapists, athletes, dancers and performers.
I help them let go of their hindering habits and continually improve their movements and posture to live a more pain-free and fulfilling life.
One-to-One is the fastest and most efficient way for you to experience the Alexander Technique and learn how to use it for yourself. Book a private session.
Receive a personal and holistic posture and movement analysis based on the Ganzin Movement system.
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I created these audio files for my clients so that they can deepen the means of the Alexander Technique and better integrate them into everyday life.
Dies ist ein hilfreiches Instrument, um Gewohnheits-Veränderungen zu verfolgen und motiviert und engagiert zu bleiben.
Die Kunst der Gewohnheitsveränderung
Ein Leitfaden für ein gesünderes Leben (Elevate Your Well-Being - A Guide for Lasting Habit Transformation)
In diesem Blog beleuchten wir die transformative Kraft dieser einzigartigen Methode zur Verbesserung der Körperwahrnehmung und Bewegungsqualität. Entdecke inspirierende Erfolgsgeschichten, praxisnahe Tipps zur Schmerzlinderung und Strategien zur Förderung der Selbstheilung. Lerne, wie die AlexanderTechnik nicht nur Schmerzen lindert, sondern auch das emotionale Wohlbefinden stärkt und einen gesünderen Lebensstil unterstützt.
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